BOZEMAN – Dedicated faculty, staff and researchers from across Montana State University were honored this spring with the university’s annual Founders Day Faculty Awards. The awards – which coincide with MSU’s birthday of Feb. 16, 1893 – highlight individuals for their achievements in research, outreach, teaching and community engagement.
“MSU’s faculty and staff are cornerstones of our university, and it’s a privilege and honor to collaborate and serve alongside this community,” said Robert Mokwa, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost. “These individuals play a vital role in driving student success and in the record setting momentum that Montana State has built in recent years.”
The 2025 Founders Day Awards, honorees, and their colleges or academic units are:
- Cox Faculty Award for Creative Scholarship and Teaching, Ross Carlson, Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering.
- President’s Excellence in Teaching Award, Jeannie Little, College of Arts and Architecture.
- President’s Excellence in Service Learning Award, Sarah Schmitt-Wilson, College of Education, Health and Human Development.
- Women’s Faculty Caucus Distinguished Mentor Award, Mary Miles, EHHD.
- Provost’s Award for Exemplary Service and Fidelity to the Public Land Grant Mission of Montana State University, Frank Harriman, Gallatin College MSU.
- Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Research/Creative Mentoring, Brent Peyton, Engineering.
- Provost’s Award for Graduate Research/Creative Mentoring, Chelsea Heveran, Engineering.
- James and Mary Ross Provost’s Award for Excellence, Megan Wickstrom, College of Letters and Science.
- Vice President for Research’s Meritorious Technology/Science Award, Mike Giroux, College of Agriculture.
- Fox Faculty Award for Accomplishments in Teaching, Research/Creative Activity, Sharon Neufeldt, Letters and Science.
- Charles and Nora L. Wiley Award for Meritorious Research and Creativity (Professions), Christine Sung, Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship.
- Charles and Nora L. Wiley Award for Meritorious Research and Creativity (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences), Carrie Myers, EHHD.
- Charles and Nora L. Wiley Award for Meritorious Research and Creativity (STEM), Ron June, Engineering.
- Academic Advising Award, Todd Kaiser, Engineering.
- Excellence in Online Teaching, Robyn Gotz, Letters and Science.
- Marley-Maben Native and Indigenous Peoples Leadership Award, Verna Billedeaux, MSU Extension.
- Excellence in Outreach Award, Katey Franklin, EHHD.
- Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award, Sarah Pennington, EHHD.
- Excellence in Open Education Award, Wendy Morrison, EHHD.
- Betty Coffey Award, Gillian Cleary, Letters and Science.
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Anna K. Fridley Distinguished Teaching Award (Non-Tenure Track), Marcie Reuer, EHHD.
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Anna K. Fridley, Distinguished Teaching Award (Tenure Track), Kirsten Matteson, Engineering.
- Teaching Innovation Award, Hailey Hancock, EHHD.