South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announces that the overall number of reported criminal offenses reported statewide in 2024 increased 1.21 percent compared to 2023.
The Crime in South Dakota 2024 Report indicated that the number of reported criminal offenses was 67,959 in 2024 compared to 67,145 in 2023.
“Last year’s crime statistics demonstrated overall that South Dakota is a safe place to live and raise a family,” said Attorney General Jackley. “Law enforcement will continue to focus on violent crime and addiction. I appreciate our dedicated law enforcement officers and prosecutors across the state.”
The more serious crimes, known as Group A and which include such offenses as homicides, sex offenses, and aggravated assaults, totaled 47,070 offenses in 2024, compared to 45,905 in 2023, a 2.53 percent increase. The number of less serious offenses, known as Group B and which include such crimes as DUI and disorderly conduct, totaled 20,888 in 2024, compared to 21,240 in 2023, a 1.65 percent decrease.
Other category numbers indicate:
*** 31 homicides reported in 2024, up from 18 in 2023.
*** DUI arrests were at 5,493 in 2024, up from 5,412 in 2023.
*** Total drug offenses increased to 6,751 compared to 6,315 in 2023.
*** Burglaries were at 1,777 in 2024, compared to 1,823 in 2023.
*** Juvenile arrests were at 3,776 compared to 3,994 in 2023.
*** Drug offenses involving methamphetamine were at 3,133 in 2024, compared to 3,018 in 2023.
*** Fentanyl offenses are included in the “Other Narcotics” category. There were 397 such other narcotics offenses reported in 2024, compared to 237 in 2023.
In 2024, Moody County Chief Deputy Sheriff Ken Prorok was killed in the line of duty when he was struck by a suspect’s vehicle during a police chase and died at the scene. There were 486 South Dakota law enforcement officers killed or assaulted in 2024, compared to 449 assaulted in 2023. No officers were killed in the line of duty in 2023.
The crime report is compiled by the Attorney General’s Criminal Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) and is the most accurate and comprehensive compilation of South Dakota criminal statistics as it reflects the actual arrest and reporting information by South Dakota law enforcement. Criminal statistics help identify trends in criminal activity that assists in crime prevention and enforcement efforts across South Dakota.
This year’s Crime in South Dakota Report can found here.