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HomeOpinionMontana Shooting Sports Association Endorses Curtis Schomer

Montana Shooting Sports Association Endorses Curtis Schomer

As the November General Election draws near, the Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) is set to equip pro-gun voters with its essential 2024 candidate grades and endorsements.

MSSA has awarded Curtis Schoemer an A rating and endorsed him for the 2024 Election, highlighting his unwavering commitment to protecting our Second Amendment rights.

The MSSA’s grading system is a vital tool for Montana’s gun owners, reflecting each candidate’s stance on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA). Grades are based on legislative votes and responses to MSSA’s detailed questionnaires. Incumbents are rated on their voting records, while new candidates are assessed on their responses. Candidates without a voting record or questionnaire response receive a “?” for uncertainty about their RKBA stance.

Our way of life as gun owners is under greater threat than ever, with activist judges on the Montana Supreme Court and the Biden-Harris administration pushing unconstitutional, anti-gun agendas. MSSA’s ratings help voters identify which candidates are committed to defending our freedoms and oppose those who would put our freedoms in their crosshairs.

MSSA urges Montana’s robust community of gun owners and hunters to ensure their voices are heard by registering to vote and making a plan to vote. Registration is simple through local county offices or the Montana Secretary of State’s website. Check your registration status, put together a plan to vote and help others do the same.

“Freedom isn’t free. It’s something we need to guard, protect, and fight for,” says MSSA. The association calls on all RKBA supporters to back endorsed candidates who are dedicated to preserving our rights. Spread the word, advocate for voter registration, and rally support to protect our way of life and elect Pro-Second Amendment victories this November.

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